Tuesday, March 29, 2016

< 501: Instigation

In 500 words or less, please tell us your reasons for applying, your entire relevant professional history, an idealized vision of your next five years of life, why you think your goals will morph into reality, your favorite color, and your feelings about global warming.

Welcome to the application marathon.

It's my third year out of undergrad and I've started navigating the world both as an independent artist and a graduate degree program hopeful. As you can imagine, this involves spending countless hours drinking too much coffee and selling myself through language to a panel of invisible people tasked with deciding whether or not they wish to meet/partner with/fund me based on my ability to woo them via writing sample. 

Invariably, each application has required a personal statement. Every personal statement has posed at least 4 black hole-esque questions (see above). And, to my simultaneous excitement and dismay, all have included the caveat "in 500 words or less".

The first time I ran into this puzzle, I found myself wavering between an incapacitating verbal inertia and an eruption of words so violent the fallout threatened to bury anything of value beneath a thick layer of idea debris.  

If you're the artsy type, and perhaps even if you aren't, my guess is that you can relate to functioning in an environment where excess of some sort truncates beauty, meaning, and or interest. I encounter the affliction regularly in forms ranging from stage performance to literary analysis to conversational oversharing.

In grappling with this conundrum, I've refrained from posting for a while, wanting to write about a something, but determined not to waste precious words preaching about an anything.

What is pertinent to my artistic practice?

How do these things relate to my community (designation and definition up for debate)?

And how can I forge this discussion without wandering off on tangents or getting caught up in the network of thoughts occupying my headspace?

Thus, I’m challenging myself to apply the 500 word restriction to my writing. In each post under the <501 umbrella, I will delineate my preliminary thoughts on a topic of personal creative interest within aforementioned word limit.

Yes, this process is highly self-serving. If you are unequipped to handle copious ‘I statements’, run now. However, if anecdotes, odd metaphors, and probing questions are your thing, you have come to the right place.

Hopefully, some posts will require further research and fleshing out. Ideally one or two will inspire you to serve up popcorn or brownies and initiate an impassioned debate amongst friends. Should you choose to engage in this sort of verbal volley, please share it with me.

Ultimately, my goal is to utilize these linguistic sketches as points of departure for further conversation. For me, this means within the field of contemporary dance, but I don’t wish to impose limits here-

Aside from word count.
