Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"You have balls ... I've always admired you for that"

A few months ago, the studio director of my hometown dance school said this to me in reference to my goals of pursuing a dance career and my general lack of upset in the face of rejection. The comment caught me completely off guard but it was something that I was proud to hear. It's funny the things that adults notice about us when we're children, especially the character qualities that are so deeply engrained in our personalities that we just forget they exist all together. Recently,  I've spent a lot of time thinking about how we benefit from our individual oddities. How different would our lives be if we spent more time embracing our quirks?

In case you didn't know, I'm a risk taker (shocker, I know). I've received mixed feedback about that part of my personality. Some people are completely turned off by my tendency to take wild leaps of faith and others encourage the habit. In general, I think that taking chances is a great thing. So what if something doesn't work out as planned? Sometimes we only get one chance to try something new, we might as well go for it.

So, I have made a conscious effort to incorporate this goal into my life:

Say YES to everything 
The only stipulations being that what ever I agree to must be something that I can fully commit to and that I will be smart enough not to accept opportunities that will negatively affect my health or well being. The goal being to consciously avoid shying away from new experiences because of the perpetual "What if?" What if I'm not good enough? What if I can't do this? What if I make a mistake? etc. Even though those fears still exist, they are conquerable or at the very least, suppressible. We spend so much time overthinking our decisions that something we forget to actually step forward.
I am pleased to say that so far, saying yes has been nothing but beneficial. In the last month alone I have been afforded the opportunity to walk/ dance on a runway, sit in executive seating at a sporting event, land a teaching job, travel, and dance nearly every day simply by agreeing to take chances. I want to encourage everyone else to try this too, even if only for a little while. It's quite a liberating experience.
We are too young, too full of life, and have too much potential to limit ourselves to comfort zones to the size of postage stamps.
So love your quirks,
                       discover your strengths,
                                          push boundaries,
                                                  learn from mistakes,
                                                       and have the guts to say yes.                              

Sunday, August 25, 2013


So, I know I've been horrifically M.I.A for a while and I have so much to write about but right now there are some things that I want to say to all of the dance majors, minors, and enthusiasts who are lucky enough to be returning to Mount Holyoke over the next week or so. I've been reflecting a lot on the things that I discovered in college and I think that you should hear them since information is really of no use unless it can be shared:

Dear Lovebugs,

So, I’ve been thinking about writing you a letter all summer and now that you all are returning school, it’s about time that I actually type this thing out. I am so jealous that you get to go back to Mount Holyoke. Some of you are probably back already actually for reslife commitments, athletics, or Sidra Bell rehearsals. Whether you are finishing up this year or not, please enjoy every minute of your journey in the Valley.

There are so many things I want to tell you all and the main reason I’m writing this letter is to tell you some things that I learned while dancing in the Five College Dance Department that may be of interest to you. Whether or not you decide to pursue dance, it never hurts to have a little extra information about things. Here are a few gems that I discovered along my journey. If you so choose, please feel to pass this on to the first years when you meet them. Here we go:

1)      Doubts: I feel like this is an area that plagues all of us, dancers or not but is a struggle that is amplified for students studying in arts related fields. The truth of the matter is, at some point in your career you are going to face doubt. This may be a matter of your doubting yourself, or someone else doubting your abilities or your dreams. Don’t let this deter you. Use it as inspiration to make yourself stronger. It is absolutely okay to want what you want and to chase your dreams. If you’re ever struggling with this and need someone to talk to, message me!


2)      Resources: You are so fortunate to be a member of consortium where you have five schools worth of faculty, classes, auditions, books, friends, and confidants from which to pull information. Be sure to use them to your greatest advantage! Are you thinking about pursuing an mfa after you graduate? Meet up with one of the grad students from Smith and talk about their experience with them. Considering performing professionally after graduation and living in the city? Enroll in nypop (dance 495) at Umass. It’s super fun and you literally get points for going to nyc and attending auditions, classes, performances, etc. Perhaps you want to write a book or a critical review of a performance? Talk to Constance at Hampshire. Seeking an opportunity to showcase your choreographic talents outside of MHC? Perhaps you should take a look at performance project at Amherst. And of course, if you are ever about to collapse or have a meltdown in any capacity whatsoever, seek out Peter Jones or Paul Matteson. They always know how to bring you back to your senses. You are not confined to the resources of just one place so use everything you have. People will not always hand the information you need to you so be sure you have as many tools as possible for seeking what you need


3)      Auditions: For goodness sake, GO. Seriously, go to all of them. You will be surprised how much you learn and how quickly you can learn when you are placed in an audition situation. Sure, it can be scary and maybe you will make a fool of yourself on occasion but that’s alright. Auditions are one of the best places to find other dancers you admire, faculty you may want to work with presently or in the future, and an opportunity for you to play up your strengths and a chance to find your points of atrophy (Ohad Naharin’s words, not mine) . Keep at it. You will surprise yourself. And it really does get easier with practice.


4)      Friends: This is a piece of advice I got from Jenn Weber my junior year- find something that you love to do other that what it is you’re doing all the time and don’t let your friends go by the wayside. In case you haven’t figured this out already, friends make life a lot easier. Make sure you make time for those people in your life and give yourself an opportunity to take a break every once and a while. If you decide to major in dance you will be spending LOTS of time with the other dancers in your graduating class especially as you get closer to graduation. I know there’s a lot of love in the department already, but it will surprise you how those bonds continue to strengthen over time. Have fun. You’ll have lots to laugh about even if it wasn’t something that was funny at the time. Need an example? Remember last year when we had that killer snowstorm, the school was shut down and there was a driving ban in effect? Well, we had a show coming up in 2 days so T drove to the college anyways and basically we climbed over a snow bank and broke in to Chapin for rehearsal. Love the people you’re with, you have a lot in common.


5)      Push boundaries: I feel like this is something we’re very used to in class but a concept that many dancers have trouble translating or articulating outside of actual movement. We are always encouraged to jump higher, move farther, turn faster, etc., but how do we continue to take risks and make our mark outside of class? The answer is pretty simple actually. If you want something, figure out how to make it happen. I know this is a broad statement and hardly begins to cover the means necessary to encompass everyone’s individual needs but it’s a place to start. For example, if you want to dance over the summer and don’t have the financial means to do so, apply for funding via UAF and talk to the department about the funding options you might have. Did you know that you can apply for money simply to take classes on a consistent basis during your summer break without taking part in a specific intensive or workshop? Because I didn’t until someone mentioned it off hand towards the end of senior year. If you want to graduate in three years, you can make it happen. If you want to teach while you’re in school, there are numerous chances to make that a reality. If you want your senior project to progress in a nontraditional fashion, show that your ideas are valuable and stand up for what you want. You have a voice so use it and the people around you will listen. If you up and change your mind and decide dancing isn’t what you want to do, that’s okay. Explore what you want to. You are the ruler of your own destiny. Whatever your goals are, there is a way to make them happen.


6)      Learn: Go to everything. Lectures, performances, auditions, workshops, dinners, meetings, social gatherings, you name it, just go. Give yourself every opportunity to experience as much as you can. You will never regret being well rounded. Embrace corrections and criticisms. They are meant to help you. The teachers who push you the hardest are the ones who believe in you the most. Be thankful for their feedback. Watch for the people in class who are stronger at what they are doing than you are and observe them carefully. Another great piece of faculty advice I received in school was, “If you see movement you like on someone else, steal it. It won’t look the same on you”. Befriend those who inspire you. Make mistakes.


I hope this is helpful or at least pleasantly retrospective. I miss you all dearly and can’t wait to see how you all grow this year. You are all wonderfully bright, beautifully creative, and incredibly talented. Take advantage of all of the opportunities you have right now. Treasure your friends. Make many memories. Don’t be afraid to take risks.

                                                                                                                                                                                Peace and Love,


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Welcome to the Gio Summer Intensive

So, we're officially a week and a half in to classes out of a month of dancing. There are 14 of us in the scholarship program and I am blessed to be in the company of some absolutely incredible dancers.

This is our group :) Amy, the director of the Gus Giordano Dance School is in the center back next to Richard who taught our first Giordano jazz class. I've been learning a lot from classes and I definitely work hard in the ones I enjoy but struggle to motivate myself during the classes that I feel like I'm behind in or don't enjoy as much. So, I need to work on that. My favorite class so far has been contemporary ballet with Laura Gates, the ballet mistress at Thodos which is another dance company in Chicago. I'm thinking about checking out their program for next summer.
One of the things I've learned since dancing here is the reason why all of the dancers in the Giordano Company are so insanely strong. I mean, obviously strength is important for any professional dancer but holy cow do we do a lot of pushups, especially during our Gio technique classes in particular and everything is in a deep lunge, hinge, or pliƩ. Those things make for some sore muscles for sure but they also lead to some incredibly dynamic movement potential.
Our schedule is a little different every day of the week. We always have rehearsal as our second class but the rest of the classes rotate. Tuesdays are cardio crazy. We begin with either modern or ballet, followed by rehearsal, then zumba, then hip hop. Yikes. Seriously though, it feels like such a monumental accomplishment to survive a Tuesday schedule. All I want to do afterwards is drink my weight in water, eat ice cream, and then pass out in my bed (which I am completely unashamed to say is exactly what happened this week).
Today is going to be the first day that we dance on a Thursday schedule since the school was closed last week for the Fourth of July. We have contemporary listed twice as well as a rehearsal and partnering. I'm hoping to pair with Abby for partnering since she hates being lifted and I would rather be in the air/ supported than being the one doing the lifting. It only seems fitting, right? :) I guess we'll find out later.  

Monday, July 1, 2013


One of the downfalls of living in a city: everything is super expensive. So, I'm trying an experiment. I did my major grocery shopping and bought my CTA pass on my first day here and since then, I've been trying to spend no more than $5 a day on things. It's extremely difficult since a small coffee runs for about $3 and lattes, which I'm more personally more partial to, cost $4. Yikes. If I stay on track though I can guarantee that I'll have plenty of money left over for emergencies and won't be completely broke if I don't manage to find any work to do before classes while I'm here. Wish me luck :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chicago Pride

Timing is everything. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time when the road closed off for the parade so I was right up against the gate. I'm pretty sure every political figure, sports team, drag queen, school system, church, police officer, and news anchor in the city of Chicago was marching today. Seriously, the parade began at noon, it is now 2 and there are still floats and things going past where I was standing. Congrats Chicago, you definitely showed your spirit and enthusiasm today.

Chi Town!

Greetings from Chicago! I'm so happy to be traveling around again. I've only been here for two days but things have been nothing but wonderful so far. I don't begin dancing until Monday so, in the meantime, I've been exploring the area and getting myself acquainted with this part of the city.

Both the neighborhood where I'm living and the neighborhood where are the studio is are adorable. There are a number of local bookstores and coffee shops and I can't wait to get frozen yogurt after class (10 pm sugar high?) It seems like every single person around here is awake and outside running, walking, or riding a bike by 8am. There's nothing better than seeing the world so alive in the morning :)

One of my goals for today is to finally make my way over to Lake Michigan. I can see the water from outside  the apartment and I really want to go for a run by all the boats that are docked there but I've been having trouble figuring out how to cross the giant freeway separating me from the lake. I'm all for taking chances and everything but risking my life crossing Lake Shore Drive (appropriately abbreviated LSD) does not seem desirable in any capacity. Fortunately, a couple friends who live here let me know that there are pedestrian walkways that go under the highway so I can finally stop standing on the far side of Lake Shore Drive looking like a lost puppy.

Speaking of puppies, literally everyone around here has a dog. I came across this little guy outside of the Caribou Coffee across the street yesterday.
Chicago is celebrating Pride this weekend and even the dogs are dressed up in their rainbow attire. There's one woman I've seen around here a couple times walking her two giant dogs whose fur she has dyes blue, pink, and green for the occasion. The Pride parade is later on this afternoon and I'm hoping to make my way over there to check out the wild outfits and meet some new people :)