Monday, October 24, 2016

Skim, or Gap 1

I went to a jungle
I went to a jungle with trees, a tree really,
And climbed to the point in the canopy
Where vines grew thick and made way
To the place where I lay and stared at the sky
For hours

Watching the leaves breathe
And inhaling bits of history
Narratives on the air
Caught in thoughts on time, in time,
As the sun ticked down
Past the edge of infinity
And the sky hinted at yellow
Amidst the hum of man made things

Where the jungle isn't a jungle
But the tree is still a tree
And the vines are purple nylon
That hold
Hold enough for me not to, in fact be

But with my conscience
Eyes that complement
Pairs of soil and sky
Matter that isn't mine but may as well be
Company in solitude
Cursive among the branches
Where forward is up and there is no down.

Sex is talk and love is life
We watch the struggle
And wait as our nose grows cold
Ears booming with the silence
Of time continuing to pass
Questions, now internal certainties
That we
Pour into hollow capillaries.

We watch the branches fill
And let them tangle
Satisfied by the knots
For if it were any other way,
They wouldn't be ours
And we would fall
Diffusing the past particles of someone else's future.